into penny stocks can be very risky business. There is opportunity to make big
money quick and loose money just as quick. Out on the open market, each
industry usually has corresponding companies that are traded under $5 per
share. In the emerging market of agriculture, marijuana companies are spicing
things up. With the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington,
legislation on state and federal levels has caused stocks spike up in the past
months. Investors are usually wary of such volatile companies, however there is
an interesting appeal to companies like Medical Marijuana Inc. and GrowLife
Inc. There may be room for growth in such companies within the coming years.
The House of Representatives has received a bill tilted, “Ending FederalMarijuana Prohibition Act of 2013.” Congress will debate over the
“decriminalization of marijuana at the Federal level and leaving the States
power to regulate marijuana that is similar to the power they have to regulate
alcohol” (H.R.499 [113th]). If cannabis were to become a legal
substance in the United States, Medical Marijuana and GrowLife Inc. may be
trading for a lot more then pennies. Before purchasing any stock, proper
research into the company and financial background should be complete. GrowLife
Inc. is made up of six entities including Stealth Grow LED, which, “is the
leading USA based manufacturer of Hi-Power LED lights. Phototron has been
manufacturing plant growing systems independently for 25 years. A company with
a strong background and solid assets in this industry may have high potential
for the future. Recently, Infitialis released an article “Chronically Criminal”
accusing certain companies of being “run by criminals and alleged fraudsters.” Nonetheless,
due diligence must be established before adding any stock to a long-term
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